NOTE: these blog posts for the Aurora quilt top are part of a limited series for our Block of the Month subscription program. Sign-ups for the Aurora BOM are no longer available. You can learn more about our upcoming Block of the Month subscriptions here.

Hi friends!
As promised, this month we’ll be making more star blocks for the border. These are exactly like the ones we made last time, only they will be using the Peapod green fabric in place of the teal Lagoon color.
I won’t go into as much detail with the instructions this time, since it was covered last month. If you want a refresher, please refer to the Aurora Month 5 blogpost.
Just like before, we’ll start out with our square-in-a-square units, made by attaching the C squares, one at a time, to each D square. Actually I like to do these by pinning two at a time, on opposite corners, and then do the other two. Since all the seams are pressed outward, the order of which square goes on when doesn’t matter.

Don’t forget to flip up your squares after sewing to make sure everything matches up at the corners. If things don’t line up, you’ll need to rip those seams out and re-sew. That’s why I like to stitch barely outside the marked lines.

Next it’s on to our HSTs. 32 of them, to be exact. So much to trim, but it’s worth it!

Then it’s time to make all those flying geese units. Like I mentioned last month, you can use the stitch and flip method as outlined in the pattern, or you can use your preferred method. In last month’s blogpost, I covered my favorite way to make these, which will yield 4 at a time.
These units all need a good trim too.

Now all we have to do is get this block sewn up. As usual, I lay everything out before I start pinning. I think this is especially helpful with these blocks, since there are only two fabrics. It can be easy to get confused!

If you recall last month, the seams can get a bit bulky, so pressing things open is always an option. I pressed mine just like the instructions say.
We are now at the halfway mark on completing these Star blocks for our border. Just two more months to go!
Until next time, Happy Quilting! – Kristin