Congratulations! This month we will be making the last of our Irish Chain blocks. Wahoo! This means we will have made a whopping 25 of these blocks – enough to make a quilt in their own right.

We can probably make these with one hand tied behind our backs by now. But I will say, even with these last five, I still have to check and make sure I’ve got those pinwheels all facing the same direction.
I don’t know about all of you, but I frequently get so busy sewing, that I sometimes forget to pay attention to those little details. Ugh! But fortunately, I didn’t have to use jack at all with these last five. Hooray!
Once again, I have taken over my living room floor to lay all the blocks out. I was tempted to just leave them there for awhile, but then my husband pulled out the vacuum, so I decided not to get in his way. Gotta love a man who voluntarily does chores, right?! I was going to take a photo of his domestic skills and add it into the blog for the month, but he politely declined the opportunity. He’s more of a behind the scenes kind of guy.

As you can see, we could actually sew a row or two (or FIVE) together. I won’t say you can or can’t do it, but if you do it will be your secret and no one will know be the wiser. Like I always say, there are no rules in quilting, only suggestions!
Next month we will make our last four blocks, and I can’t wait to get started!
Until next time – Quilt Happy and Be Happy!